The Europe Gate To The Atlantic
Main findings of the 2022 SW FAB Stakeholders Survey
Detailed description of the activities of the SW FAB for 2022
After a complicated year 2020 for air transport due to COVID-19, hopes were high for a strong recovery in 2021. However, 2021 has turned out to be another difficult year. Although air traffic greatly surpassed 2020 levels during the year, traffic figures are still well below those of 2019, which is considered to be the year of reference for normal activity before the coronavirus.
Under our commitment towards our stakeholders, the SW FAB carried out in December 2020 the Stakeholder Consultation Forum (SCF) Survey.
Last 17th of November, the 9th meeting of the SWFAB Council was celebrated with the participation of high level representatives from the DGAC (the Spanish Direction General of Civil Aviation), ANAC (the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority), and the Portuguese and Spanish Air Forces. Special attention was done in this SW FAB Council meeting to the post-analysis of the 2nd SW FAB Stakeholders Consultation Forum (SCF) that took place the day before.
Last 17th of November the second Stakeholder Consultation Forum (SCF) of the SW FAB was celebrated. Following the success of the first SCF event, this second meeting wanted to bring out a more fruitful exposition of the development of the SW FAB under the main three pillars: institutional, supervisory and operational. 2016 has been a very challenging year for the SW FAB as a consequence of a significant unexpected traffic growth due to a clear change in the tourist destination options more focused on the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands affecting the European SW Axis and more specifically the SW FAB airspace.
At the end of June, operational representatives from the South-West FAB and the FAB Europe Central set up a close cooperation which will benefit the European network concerning capacity and flight efficiency. Both short and medium term measures were addressed and appropriate actions taken on improvements concerning the operational interface, the upcoming implementation of the ERATO system in Bordeaux, the connectivity of free route airspace and the implementation of Extended Arrival Management. The Network Manager has been informed accordingly and will support this InterFAB initiative.
The 8th SW FAB Council meeting was celebrated on the 2nd of June 2016 in Lisboa. The main objectives of the meeting were to evaluate and to monitor the progress of the SW FAB activities and to outline upcoming actions to be undertaken following the commitments under the Single European Sky (SES) initiative.
The 7th meeting of the SW FAB Council was held in Madrid on November 17, 2015 with the participation of ANAC, the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority, the Spanish General Direction of Civil Aviation, and the Portuguese and Spanish Air Forces. The main objectives of the meeting were to evaluate and to give progress to the SW FAB activities and outline upcoming actions to be undertaken in the next months.
The 2nd Inter-FAB Cooperation Workshop was held in Bucharest on the 14th – 15th October 2015. Building on the first workshop held in Amsterdam in 2014, these two days helped shape the platform on a sound base for wide ranging cooperation and coordination, allowing FABs to align common goals and collectively form a strong and cohesive voice to external parties in Europe. The 9 FABs also agreed on actions to enhance coordination, at a first step, towards a more in deep cooperation in the Operational, Technical and Civil/Military domains on inter-FAB level.
The 6th SW FAB Council was celebrated on the 3rd of June 2015, in Lisbon, with the participation of ANAC, Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority, Spanish General Direction of Civil Aviation, and Portuguese and Spanish Air Forces. As an expert participation, it also had the attendance of NAV Portugal, ENAIRE and the Spanish Supervisory Authority (AESA). This 6th meeting allowed to approve the SW FAB Common Plan 2015-2019 where, as highly remarked by the Stakeholders, SW FAB projects go beyond the limits of the SW FAB airspace validating the strategy of the SW FAB to better improve the European-wide ATM environment.
Organized by the SW FAB Council, the first Stakeholders Consultation Forum (SCF) of the SW FAB took place last 2nd of June 2015 in Lisbon with the participation of the Airspace Users, ATC and Pilots professional staff associations and European Institutions. The Forum demonstrated the importance of sharing ideas and projects within the aeronautical community.All interventions allowed to identify the excellent collaboration between all SW FAB partners, which have permitted to give the first steps towards a more efficient, and client guided, service provision in the South West of Europe airspace.
The 4th meeting of the SW FAB Council was celebrated in Lisbon on the 12th of March, 2014. After one year of operation, the fourth meeting of the Council assessed the activities performed along the previous year after the constitution of the SWFAB Organisation Structure and the signature of the SWFAB State Agreement. It was reviewed main actions to accomplish with SES legislation, with special attention to RP2 EU wide targets.
The 3rd meeting of the SW FAB Council was held last November, 15th, 2013 in Madrid with the participation of the civil and military aeronautical authorities from both States as well as representatives of the SW FAB Supervisory Authority Committee (SAC) and SW FAB Operational Board (OB).
The 2nd meeting of the SW FAB Council was held in Lisboa on the 10th of July 2013. The main goal of the meeting was to follow up the activities performed since the formal constitution of the SWFAB once celebrated the signature of the SWFAB State Agreement at Governments level on 18th May 2013. This second meeting had the attendance of Civil and military Aviation Authorities of both countries as well as representatives of the SWFAB Operational Board (OB).
On 17th May 2013, the Portuguese Minister of Economy and Employment, Mr. Alvaro Santos Pereira, and the Spanish Minister of Development and Transport, Ms. Ana Pastor Julián signed in Lisbon the State Agreement for the establishment of the South West Functional Airspace Block (SWFAB) in accordance with the provisions of EU regulations concerning the achievement of SES.
The 1st meeting of the SW FAB Council was held on April, 17th, 2013 in Madrid with the participation of the civil and military aeronautical authorities from both States as well as representatives of the SW FAB Supervisory Authority Committee (SAC) and SW FAB Operational Board (OB).