SW FAB Operational Board
The SW FAB Operational Board is the body established to manage the technical and operational functioning of the SW FAB, for the purposes of the implementation, operation and further development of the SW FAB State Agreement.
This SW FAB body is composed by one representative of the en-route ATS provider, one military representative and one representative of the aeronautical meteorological service provider of each SW FAB State.
The structure of the Operational Board is composed by one committee and two working groups as follows:
- Operational Board Coordination Committee (OCC)
- Airspace Working Group (AWG)
- Technical Working Group (TWG)
The SW FAB Operational Board ensures:
- The implementation of the policies and objectives defined by the Council;
- The cooperation between en-route air traffic service providers aiming to obtain an improved and increased cross borders provision of air traffic services;
- Support the Network Manager in the development and on-going activities of the Network Strategic Plan and Network Operations Plan;
- Ensure the development of the civil and military coordination;
- Propose to the Council the modalities of the cooperation on airspace management, including the application of the concept of flexible use of airspace;
- Ensure the operational coordination of the SW FAB with adjacent functional airspace blocks;
- Propose, develop and implement a Common Plan for Projects Development within the scope of the SW FAB to be approved by the Council;
- Propose and define a common management airspace policy to be further approved by the Council;
In order to accomplish with the tasks associated to the Operational Board, this SW FAB Operational Board group was structured in three subgroups:
Operational Coordination Committee (OCC) :
Established to monitor and validate the work done by the Working Groups under its umbrella and report to the OB.
Airspace Working Group (AWG) :
Established to manage the operational functioning of the SW FAB.
Technical Working Group (TWG) :
Established to manage the technical functioning of the SW FAB.