• SW FAB Annual Report 2022

    26 May 2024 11:29 PM

    Detailed description of all the activities of the SW FAB for 2022

  • SW FAB Stakeholders Survey 2020 - Results

    SW FAB Stakeholders Survey 2020 - Results

    26 May 2024 11:17 PM

    The FABSW takes into the highest consideration the airspace users as well as their opinion on the performance of our objectives. In fact, it is one of the main sources where we can have a sharper vision on how we are delivering our efforts. Therefore, you are kindly invited to check the results for 2022.

  • SW FAB Stakeholders Survey 2021 - Results

    SW FAB Stakeholders Survey 2021 - Results

    16 January 2023 02:36 PM

    The FABSW takes into the highest consideration the airspace users as well as their opinion on the performance of our objectives. In fact, it is one of the main sources where we can have a sharper vision on how we are delivering our efforts. For that purpose, we have launched the 7th SW FAB Stakeholder Survey 2021 with the intent to strengthen not only the relation between the specific aviation community, our users, throughout the SW FAB Airspace, as well as to get a deeper understanding on what should be improved and on what have we excelled at. Therefore, the Survey has been divided into four main parts. As always, you are very welcome to explore the results in detail for further information.

  • 2021 Annual SW FAB Report

    2021 Annual SW FAB Report

    2 August 2022 10:30 AM

    After a complicated year 2020 for air transport due to COVID-19, hopes were high for a strong recovery in 2021. However, 2021 has turned out to be another difficult year. Although air traffic greatly surpassed 2020 levels during the year, traffic figures are still well below those of 2019, which is considered to be the year of reference for normal activity before the coronavirus.

  • SW FAB Stakeholders survey 6th Edition Results

    SW FAB Stakeholders survey 6th Edition Results

    19 July 2022 10:25 AM

    Under our commitment towards our stakeholders, the SW FAB carried out in December 2020 the Stakeholder Consultation Forum (SCF) Survey.

  • 2020 Annual SW FAB Report

    2020 Annual SW FAB Report

    8 September 2021 07:35 AM

    There is no doubt that 2020 has been a year that will mark our lives in every way. This year we have suffered an unprecedented crisis for aviation because of the pandemic we are still facing. However, we have all made a great effort to continue providing our customers with the best possible service. With this objective, we have continued working during this year in order to reduce, as much as possible, the effects of the COVID-19 crisis. Our service providers, despite the drastic drop in traffic, continued to perform their public service task by keeping our airspace safely open, facilitating and controlling flight operations. The adoption of the exceptional measures in the third reference period (RP3) for the SES performance and charging scheme due to COVID-19 and the establishment of recovery measures for the sector have been priority activities also for the SW FAB Authorities.

  • 2019 Annual SW FAB Report

    2019 Annual SW FAB Report

    8 September 2021 07:32 AM

    Year 2019 has been again, and for the sixth consecutive year, a year characterized by the high increase in air traffic, much higher than forecast (SW FAB has grown above the five busiest FABs from 2015 to 2018). It is worth noting the excellent collaboration of the SW FAB with the Network Manager working closely with our ANSPs, NAV Portugal and ENAIRE, to mitigate the impact of traffic increase. In the most purely technical level, we can highlight the progress obtained from the development of the activities planned for 2019, carried out by both the Supervisory Authority Committee (SAC) and the Operational Board (OB). The SW FAB Operational Board Common Plan, one of the most important elements in the SW FAB framework, has advanced as planned and a new edition 2020-2024 has already received the approval of the Council. This last edition was already sent to the European Commission as part of the SES framework. Regarding the communication aspects with our users and stakeholders, The fifth edition of the Stakehold

  • 2018 Annual SW FAB Report

    2018 Annual SW FAB Report

    8 September 2021 07:28 AM

    Year 2018 has been again, and for the fifth consecutive year, a year characterized by the high increase in air traffic, much higher than forecast (SW FAB has grown above the five busiest FABs from 2015 to 2018). It is worth noting the excellent collaboration of the SW FAB with the Network Manager working closely with our ANSPs, NAV Portugal and ENAIRE, to mitigate the impact of traffic increase. In the most purely technical level, we can highlight the progress obtained from the development of the activities planned for 2018, carried out by both the Supervisory Authority Committee (SAC) and the Operational Board (OB). The SW FAB Operational Board Common Plan, one of the most important elements in the SW FAB framework, has advanced as planned and a new edition 2019-2023 has already received the approval of the Council. This last edition was already sent to the European Commission as part of the SES framework.

  • 2017 Annual SW FAB Report

    2017 Annual SW FAB Report

    7 September 2021 09:01 PM

    Please find herein the fifth annual report of the SW FAB with a description of the main activities developed by the bodies and working groups of the SW FAB along 2017. Once again, this report has been the result of the fruitful cooperation and commitment of all the Members of the SW FAB.

  • SW FAB Common Plan 2018-2022

    SW FAB Common Plan 2018-2022

    15 October 2018 02:52 PM

    The South West Functional Airspace Block Operational Board Common Plan (SW FAB OB CP) has been produced by the SW FAB OB. The OB was established by the SW FAB Council in accordance with the Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on the establishment of the South West Functional Airspace Block. This SW FAB OB CP 18-22 provides an update of the SW FAB OB CP 17-21 released in 2016 and communicated to the European Commission. The Operational Board has developed a plan, the SW FAB OB CP, in order to realise the objectives tasked to it by the SW FAB State Agreement. The SW FAB OB CP is a rolling plan which contains an overview of those activities planned to be implemented by the ANSPs in the years ahead that most contribute to enable optimum use of airspace, taking into account air traffic flows in the airspace under the responsibility of Spain and Portugal and among the surrounding airspaces. The SW FAB OB CP has been made in full awareness of the European framework with particular atte

  • SW FAB Common Plan 2017-2021

    SW FAB Common Plan 2017-2021

    12 October 2018 03:25 PM

    The South West Functional Airspace Block Operational Board Common Plan (SW FAB OB CP) has been produced by the SW FAB OB. The OB was established by the SW FAB Council in accordance with the Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on the establishment of the South West Functional Airspace Block. This SW FAB OB CP 17-21 provides an update of the SW FAB OB CP 15-19 released in 2015 and communicated to the European Commission.

  • 2016 Annual SW FAB Report

    2016 Annual SW FAB Report

    12 October 2018 03:19 PM

    This is the fourth annual report depicting the main activities developed by the bodies and working groups of the SW FAB along 2016. Thanks to the fruitful coordination among the SW FAB governing bodies and a more advanced task management, some important goals have been obtained. Main outcomes to be highlighted in 2016 within the regulatory and institutional fields have been the celebration of the second Stakeholders Consultation Forum —with the positive opinion conveyed by all stakeholders, especially by the Network Manager and airline operators, who recognized the great effort made by the SW FAB to accommodate the unexpected traffic demand in the SW Axis along 2016 to the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands tourist destinations. Moreover, the SW FAB Operational Board Common Plan has progressed according to the established implementation schedule. The Network Manager has recognized the great performance of the SW FAB in an increasing traffic scenario. In summary, 2016 has led to give another important st

  • SW FAB 2015 Annual Report

    SW FAB 2015 Annual Report

    2 June 2016 12:00 AM

    It is presented the SW FAB 2015 Annual Report, which is the third annual report concerning the activities for the development of the SW FAB. Thanks to the bodies and working groups of the SW FAB, some important goals have been obtained, with special remark to the positive opinion conveyed by all stakeholders, and specially by the Network Manager, in relation to the development of the SW FAB and its Operational Board Common Plan and the expectations coming from the first Stakeholders Consultation Forum (SCF). Based on correlated positions with the regulatory and institutional fields, underlined with visible results, several activities were conducted with success such as the celebration of the first Stakeholders Consultation Forum mentioned above, the adoption of the SW FAB Safety Policy and the continued consolidation of the SW FAB Performance Plan to align with the objectives specified by the Commission for the second reference period (RP2) – 2015-2019. In parallel, progresses were made in different area

  • SW FAB Common Plan 2015-2019

    SW FAB Common Plan 2015-2019

    30 June 2015 12:00 AM

    The South West Functional Airspace Block Operational Board Common Plan (SW FAB OB CP) was produced by the SW FAB OB. The OB was established by the SW FAB Council in accordance with the Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on the establishment of the South West Functional Airspace Block. This SW FAB OB CP 15-19 provides an update of the SW FAB OB CP 14-20 released in 2014 and is a five years rolling operational/technical Common Plan where operational and technical projects are part of the SW FAB Initiative. Was approved by the SW FAB Council in June 2015 and communicated to the European Commission. Taking into consideration the Europe-wide network approach and the importance of the collaboration and cooperation between ANSPs, in terms of airspace covered, the projects in the SW FAB OB CP 15-19 are those to be developed, in part or in whole, in the 2015-2019 timeframe and also include inter FAB/regional activities, The SW FAB OB CP has been made in full awareness of the Europe

  • SW FAB 2014 Annual Report

    SW FAB 2014 Annual Report

    3 June 2015 12:00 AM

    It is presented the second annual report that considers the main activities developed by the bodies and working groups of the SW FAB, giving prof of the progress on the improvement of the SW FAB along 2014. A lot of work was done and it must be emphasized the effort made at all levels of the SW FAB organization, in order to achieve the objectives set for this year. It may be considered that the coordination at the institutional, technical and operational level worked as expected, especially among civil and military entities. Among the major milestones is worth mentioning the entry into force of the SW FAB Agreement, on 18th April 2014, the joint designation of NAV Portugal and Aena (currently ENAIRE) as en-route air traffic service providers within the SW FAB, the delivery to the EC of the SW FAB Performance Plan (SOWEPP) for the second period (RP2), 2014-2019, and the successful monitoring of the SW FAB Operational Board Common Plan. This Annual Report was already approved by the SW FAB Council in its

  • SW FAB 2013 Annual Report

    SW FAB 2013 Annual Report

    12 March 2014 12:00 AM

    It is presented the first annual report on the activities carried out in the SW FAB in 2013. It was in 2008 when the two air traffic service providers, ENAIRE and NAV Portugal, started the first collaborative works related to the establishment of a FAB in the SouthWest region with the aim of achieving an optimised air navigation service provision, in accordance with the requirements established in SES Regulation Framework. Since then many activities have been performed assuming a considerable effort of individuals and organizations involved, civil and military aviation national administrations, national supervisory authorities and providers of air navigation services. Year 2013 has definitely seen the launch of SW FAB after the signature of the State Agreement for the establishment of the SW FAB by the Minister of Economy and Employment of Portugal and the Minister of Public Works of Spain in May 17th.